Wednesday 18 March 2015

Comic review: Millennium #3- Glorious colouring, boss front cover

Writer: Joe Harris
Artist: Colin Lorimer
Colourist: Joane Lafuente
Publisher: IDW Comics
Released: 18th March 2015

Along with the gloriously gothic and spooky regular cover from menton3 you get some equally atmospheric and splendidly coloured interior art in Millennium #2.

This is a book that you’ll want to enjoy with the lights on, as every page is awash with psychedelic swatches, blurs and shades of dazzling colour, creating an effect that’s really quite impressive and a joy to experience.

I’m one of those reviewers who doesn’t usually mention the art and colouring, so the very fact that I’m mentioning it here must mean that it's stand-out good. Actually it’s a lot better than good, it’s great, and bottom line, a heck of a lot of fun to look at.

The story itself is inoffensive to this jaded anarchist, even though it has murders in it, but I forgive that as it’s a conspiracy/murder-mystery genre book and I guess you have to sprinkle a few corpses around a bit to make it what it is.

The book, at the moment at least, is in the stage of the narrative where things are still being hinted at, and the fun to be had here is to follow it all the way through and see everything link up at the end.

The key is whether or not it’s interesting enough that you want to hang around. I do, not because it’s a ‘conspiracy’ book, but because the art is great, there’s nothing in it that offends me too much and the plot is interesting.

I want to follow that plot to the end. I want to know what is happening. I want to slowly find out where it’s all going and I want to find out with the evil villains are up to in relation to unleashing evil into the world (err lads, it’s already here, it’s in charge, and it’s called ‘Government.’)

I’ll keep on buying it, and I’ll keep on putting my lights on when reading the book in order to get the full benefit of the very good art and absolutely stunning colouring work by Joane Lafuente.

If you like the X-files, and if you like books where occulted groups are getting up to mischief, only to eventually be thwarted by brave agents of the state (sorry, but that’s what’s happening here) then you should get a kick out of it. It’s atmospheric, subtle, interesting and well worth spending a couple of quid on. Just look at that front cover with a Slender Man/Demon on it. That’s great, and the book itself isn’t too bad either.

Rating: 7/10 (Not exactly government shattering, but it’s a fun read)

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