Saturday 7 March 2015

Liberalism, reality, nihilism and depression

‘If you really care, wash the feet of a beggar.’

Some clever bloke said that. Indoctrinated and educated within the feminist neo-liberal/Marxist UK education system he got a bit depressed because he realised that people only really act out of self-interest.

Before he threw himself off a bridge (probably) he looked at the world, saw lot’s of dirty beggar feet and realised that no matter what people said, their actions demonstrated that they didn’t really care about anybody other than themselves.

That can be very depressing for the ‘liberal’ mind-set as it’s a wake up call to reality, and that’s one thing that liberals hate more than anything else, more than people like me actually.

It’s difficult to deal with reality when you come from the ideological prison known as the ‘left.’  It angers you, it makes you throw insults, and it makes you accuse people of alleged social justice warrior ills.

Oh, he’s just a racist, sexist, homophobe, bigot, right?

As long as you keep accusing those that disagree with you, you don’t have to examine the truth behind your own shaky ideological foundations.

So, will you wash a beggar’s feet tonight?

Will you do something to prove that you really care?

Or will you drink a beer, fill your belly, ignore reality and find a politically incorrect thought criminal to criticise?

Liberalism is collectivism, and collectivism is a lie.

It requires you to ignore human nature, to ignore reality and to live a repressed life of self-delusion.

Liberalism is about individual weakness, backed-up by the gun of the state.

Reject self-hatred.

Reject weakness.

Reject statism.

Reject neo-liberalism.

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