Tuesday 10 March 2015

Comic review: Batman Detective Comics #40- Slavery is freedom

Corporate drone writers- Francis (Pay me) Manapal & Brian (Show me the money) Buccellato 
Artist: Francis Manapal
Corporate Pay Master: DC Comics
Released: 4th March 2015

The front cover of Batman Detective Comics #40 features the anarchist A symbol. That hooked me, and so I purchased the book in order to see how anarchy was being portrayed in a 2015 mainstream comic book.

My fear (and expectation) was that anarchists would be portrayed as violent rioters. That’s what I expected, so what did I get?

I got a book where anarchists were portrayed as victims of mind control, led by a deceptive leader who had personal issues, not deep ideological issues with the current slavery system known as the state.

Cops were portrayed as ‘Just doing their job’ heroes and they acted with integrity and restraint against the mindless anarchist rioters.

 Batman was (obviously) a cop, and a brave hero who just wanted to help the poor innocent mind controlled slaves/citizen/suspects. The Anarky character was defeated (he was deluded anyway, so pay no attention to him) and the status quo was maintained, end of book.

I’m not going to go on a prolonged rant about this. There’s really no point in wasting my time on a deeper analysis of this book.

I was fully expecting Anarchy to be portrayed not as freedom from centralised control systems, but as mindless rioters burning down buildings and attacking brave Police officers, and that's exactly what I got.

Whenever ‘anarchy’ is portrayed in the mainstream media it is demonised. It is demonised because the mainstream media has a role to play in pacifying any true rebellion to statism and the corporate/state control system. Anarchy means freedom from centralised control, so it is always going to be misrepresented within the mainstream media. Of course it is. It’s a threat, so it is attacked, simple as that.

Writers Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato have certainly earned their corporate paycheques on this one. Being the good little corporate tools that they are, they have portrayed freedom from state slavery as rioting and mind control. Trust in the Police, trust in your leaders, and trust in those who exist to enslave you. Freedom is reading comics, having an Iphone and voting away your power every four years or so to a cartel of psycopathic billionaires. That’s freedom, and you are a lucky person indeed if you get the chance to write a comic book where you can portray slavery as freedom and freedom as rioting.

Well done Francis. Well done Brian. Enjoy your DC money, enjoy the status that comes with being a ‘writer’ and keep on keeping on. The slavery system known as statism relies on good little pawns like you two, and you do your jobs so willingly.

Rating: 3/10 (For the very nice main cover)

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