Wednesday 4 March 2015

Comic book review: Neverboy #1- Avoid the previews, just buy the book

Writer: Shaun Simon
Artist: Tyler Jenkins
Colourist: Kelly Fitzpatrick
Cover Artist: Conor Nolan
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Released: 4th March 2015

Don’t read the previews for this book, as they spoil the central idea that makes it so much fun, and worth purchasing in the first place.

Neverboy #1 has an idea, that idea is new, and you don’t get much that is really new in comics these days. You’ll have to trust me on this one, as I’m not going to say much about the book during this review. Just take my word for it that Neverboy #1 is a bloody good comic, take a chance, buy it, and I’m pretty sure that you’ll both like it, and thank me for warning you about the previews.

I can understand why the central idea was leaked to the preview writers. It’s a great idea, and knowing about that idea tempted me into purchasing the book in the first place, not the writer or artist, it was that one idea, and when you have a great idea why not tell everybody about it?

The worst thing surely would be to have a great idea, keep it secret, then have nobody buying your book, so by releasing the idea at least you get people’s attention. I understand that perfectly, so this review is for those fortunate people out there who haven’t yet read any previews.


That’s all you need to know.

Neverboy #1 made me smile, made me happy, made me feel good about the comic book genre as a whole and reminded me that all it takes is one idea, and everything feels brand new again.

Rating: 10/10

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