Thursday 12 June 2014

Blast Review: Vampirella #1- The Catholic Church and how they love children

Note: A Blast review is where I let rip at a comic, no holds barred. I'll either love it or loave it, and my review will be more stream of consciousness rant than a proper, formally structured comic book review. 

Writer: Nancy A. Collins
Artist: Patrick Berkenkotter
Publisher: Dynamite
Released: 4th June 2014

Vampirella always tempts me with her gorgeous covers, and although she always bites, give it a few months and I’m always back for more. Such is the case with this new #1 issue of her modern, feminist liberal adventures. This one’s a bit of a joke really, but even after reading it I don’t really regret buying the book. Sure the actual story is bloody horrible, but if I tear it away and just leave the cover by Arthur Adams (the one I’ve used to illustrate this article) at least I have something worthwhile.

The last time I was drawn in by a cool looking Vampirella cover I got a tale of how all southern Americans are red neck racists who still think that black people should be slaves in 2014. That’s really nice, isn’t it? How you can label millions of people as evil racists, and nobody even cares, because it’s okay to attack southern (white) Americans in these backwards time of bullshit Hollywood, feminist liberal political correctness. It was awful, just awful. 

This latest book, by feminist writer Nancy A. Collins, and I know she’s a feminist because I’ve just read this book, and trust me, she wears her politically correct feminist credentials like a badge of stupid pride, begins with a stereotypical tale of a loving single mother and her young daughter. Where’s the kid’s dad? Where do you think? Remember this is a feminist liberal book.  He’s run away from his loving family, leaving the poor innocent women to fend for themselves. What a rotter. Hey, perhaps government can help? You bet they can, ha ha ha ha. 

Why has this horrible man run away? Is he an abusive drunk (as is usually the case in feminist liberal books) or has he just decided to live a life of hedonism with prostitutes and strippers (another fairly standard reason for kicking the bloke out of the family, according to feminist liberal bullshit stories)? No, he’s joined an evil cult. Oh, this sounds interesting. What cult has he joined? The army perhaps, where he will be risking his life to make money for banks and corporations that don’t give a shit about him or his family? No, he’s joined a pretty stupid and unbelievable cult of devil worshipper types. His reasoning? Hang on. I’ll re-read the book and try to find it. Hang on, hang on, hang on. Nope, there’s no reason at all. It’s just something he’s decided to do because he likes chaos, because he’s an evil man I guess. 

The story of this book is of the man kidnapping his daughter from the custody of his angelic wife and bringing her into the cult. It’s Vampirella’s job to stop him, and guess who is her employer? You won’t believe this one, but she’s actually being employed, and this is not a joke, by one of the biggest, child abusing cults in the world, the Catholic bloody church. There is no sense of irony in any of this, and it’s so depressing, so stupid, so sad, so deluded that you couldn’t make it up. Yes, the biggest paedophile organisation on planet Earth (as has been revealed time after time after time) is portrayed in this comic as actually caring about the welfare of children, and how they are being brought into cults, a cult that is 100% identical to their own cult where they specialise in indoctrinating children, and then abusing them on an industrial scale. Vampirella must be the biggest moron on planet Earth to not be able to recognise this, and yet she works for the Church like they are some sort of flawless organisation that only exists to safeguard the welfare of vulnerable children. What a complete and utter idiot and she's supposed to be the heroine of this tale? 

Writer Nancy A. Collins is one seriously deluded lady, and all of this bullshit is written completely straight. Unbelievable, just unbelievable. To give her credit, there’s a nice plot-twist half way through the book that I didn’t see coming, but having Vampirella work for the biggest paedophile organisation in the world, saving children from a silly cult, when they are the cult who she should really be worried about, is too much for me. It makes this book completely ludicrous, wilfully ignorant and just another exercise in the feminist liberal stubborn refusal to look at the reality of the world that they are all living in today. Since when has a silly little cult been a bigger concern regarding the welfare of children than the Catholic Church? It’s completely stupid, and when you wrap that up with the man hating feminist bullshit that is the backbone to this story I cannot recommend it to anybody. 

This is particularly bad stuff for youngsters as it gives a distorted view on reality that will just confuse them when they come up against the real realities of life. If you have to get this book for one of the covers you need to carefully remove that cover, frame it, stick it up on your wall, or whatever, and then burn this book before it can do any damage and warp the minds of those reading it with it’s unbelievable stupidity and inability to recognise reality whilst attacking men for no other reason than for them being men. 

Godamn it, that was awful. What’s next? A book where the US is fighting against evil Russians, Nazi’s and aliens whilst ignoring all of the real issues about Islamic terrorism (that is funded out of Saudi Arabia, and backed by the US) that plagues the world today? Oh yeah, we already have some books doing that, don’t we? They’re called Marvel and DC. Rating 2/10

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