Tuesday 17 June 2014

Ten signs that you might be a feminist liberal drip

1- You get angry and upset if a woman is not portrayed as the powerful, independent, in-charge protagonist of the latest television show.

2- You get your ‘politics’ from television clowns Stephen Colbert, John Stewart and Bill Maher.

3- You get outraged about the latest ‘sexist,’ ‘racist’ or ‘homophobic’ scandal on the news, but couldn’t care less about what is going on in a country like Saudi Arabia, a country that really is sexist, racist and homophobic and largely pays for the news that you are watching.

4-  You are ‘anti-war,’ but somehow drone bombings, sanctions, funding foreign terrorists and Blackwater type private armies don’t count as ‘war.’

5- You get outraged when a rich white guy says something racist about black people, but when a black celebrity says something similar about white people you couldn’t care less.

6- You think it’s ‘racist’ to allow unchecked immigration into your country, even though you now have two media degrees and are working for minimum wage in a coffee shop.

7- You don’t understand why all the hot girls like football playing jerks and are not interested in a ‘nice’ and ‘sensitive’ guy like you.

8- You don’t know anything about fractional reserve banking, GMO food, chemtrails, false-flag attacks, mainstream media manipulation of ‘news,’ or anything else that has a huge impact on your life, and if somebody tries to give you information about these topics you run away shouting, ‘conspiracy theory.’

9- You have a gay best friend, drink too much and complain about how unhappy you are when you are (frequently) drunk.

10- You sign up for the latest charity event to raise money for 'cancer research’, but when somebody gives you information about how cancer cures are being suppressed and it’s all one big money making con, you are not interested.

1 comment:

  1. I know tons of people like this. We are overrun with them here in the states. I call them trendies. They just go with the flow - no backbone.
