Thursday 5 June 2014

Review: Madame Frankenstein #2- Living the Impossible Dream

Writer: Jamie S. Rich
Artist: Megan Levens
Publisher: Image Comics
Released: 4th June 2014

Doctor Vincent Krall is living the impossible dream in this issue of Madame Frankenstein. He’s obviously living in a parallel universe to the one that I live in, because not only does he get to choose the best body parts for his woman, but he also gets to form her mind and mould her personality as well. What a lucky man. He’s living the impossible dream. It’s a life where the boot is on the other foot, where men are in charge and women are moulded to suit the man, not the other way round. It’s a bit different to the modern western life where men take whatever they get, and when they do get it, ‘it’ comes with a list of preconditions that are so vast and deleterious to the man himself that he’s probably best off not getting ‘it’ in the first place.

Hang in there with me. I’m only joking, well half-joking if I’m being completely honest, but I hope you get my point here. This book is about a mad scientist creating his perfect woman. And yes, I know that’s incredibly creepy and analogous to the book ‘The Collector’ by John Fowles, and when you look at certain middle eastern cultures as well that’s certainly not what I want happen here in the UK. The point I want to make here is that the balance between men and women in this country has swung so far over to the side of the female these days that it often seems to me that the only role for the male in today’s feminised culture is to serve as some kind of emasculated slave to the boss, and that boss of course is a woman, not just at work, but in your private life as well.

Do you hate me now? If you do, well then I’d suggest that what I’ve just said probably applies to you as well. If you want to know why my reviews only exist on my blog, and not a mainstream comic book website, well, now you know. You’ll only get this kind of review on a 100% independent blog. A blog where I’m free to say whatever I want, and break down those politically correct barriers that have increasingly begun to spring up all around us.

This comic book, as you would expect, portrays the man as an evil, crazy doctor who is certainly the villain of the story, and not someone we should be looking at with any feelings of admiration. The woman he is moulding is essentially a slave, being controlled by fear (of fire), and his indoctrination techniques are pretty much the same as you would expect from a cult leader. Plus, his morals are called into severe question by his murderous actions within this issue.  He’s not a man to be admired, but neither was Doctor Frankenstein either, who less we forget was the real monster in Mary Shelley’s (or was it written by Percy?) original novel.

The art in issue #2 has that same feminine touch that I really enjoyed in issue #1. It portrays the heroine of the story (the monster) in a sympathetic light that’s perfect for the story being told of a crazy Doctor moulding a woman to fit his needs, no matter what the moral costs. The front cover (by Joelle Jones) was a lot better this month as well, and hopefully it will draw more readers in, as if you remember from my previous review, it was the front cover that put me off picking up issue #1 when it first came out.

Is this a feminist liberal book? Yes, it is, there’s no doubt about that. But that doesn’t mean that I will stop reading it. I like the art, and although the man wanting to be in charge of a woman is obviously being portrayed as the villain, I’m still getting a lot out of it anyway. I’m not exactly cheering him on as he moulds and manipulates his perfect female creation (and she’s inevitably going to turn on her creator anyway, just like in the original Frankenstein novel) but there’s something about the book, probably the soft, black and white art, that I’m really enjoying.  Plus it’s a good example of that feminised liberal bias that I keep talking about, and it offers a lot of insight for me personally into the politically correct mindset that is being pushed onto the masses these days through the liberal mainstream media and school/university system. I’ll keep on reading it to see the evil man being put in his place, and the female ‘monster’ showing the evil Doctor that women are in charge these days. You go girl. Rating: 8/10

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