Thursday 12 June 2014

Review: The Empty Man #1- Do you mean ‘Slender Man?’

Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artist: Vanesa R. Del Rey
Publisher: Boom Studios
Released: 11th June 2014

Have you heard about the Slender Man? Did you hear about those two girls, and what they did? The mainstream media feeds this monster, and copycats will inevitably follow, making the Slender man materialise through the actions of children who should be out playing, but are spending far too much time ’safely’ locked away in their bedroom’s, where they are bombarded with the most dangerous form of propaganda in the world. That being the mainstream ‘programming’ coming from their television sets. Monkey see, monkey do. You know how it goes, and serial killers are so ‘cool’ these days, aren’t they, Dexter? Sick, sick, sick, and comic book fans love it. The more they talk about these sick mainstream monsters, the more people will copy them, just like the recent school shootings in the US. You see how it works? How the virus is really transmitted?

The Empty Man, written by Cullen Bunn, and wonderfully illustrated by Vanesa R. Del Rey taps into this new subtle form of mass media induced murder cult. They are clever though, and they do it very subtly, I guess to avoid upsetting anybody effected by the real world tragedies. In their book ‘The Empty Man’ is a pandemic that, ‘Doesn’t spread like any ordinary virus.’ 

Issue #1 frames the future narrative, having government officials investigating the pandemic. This is pretty formulaic, and the two main characters could just as well be Mulder and Scully from the X-files. A lot of people will keep on reading this book to follow their investigation, but I won’t. This is a personal issue of morality, and I’ll briefly explain it.

By writer Cullen Bunn having government officials investigate the case of the Empty Man virus he is putting his cards on the table, stating that he believes that outside bodies have authority over our lives because they wear silly uniforms or have badges. This mindset is called ‘Statism,’ and it is one of the most dangerous forms of cult worship that this planet has ever been plagued by. Alongside worship of the monetary system, statism is directly responsible for humanity being in the current state of slavery that it is now being subjected to.

When you give an outside group total control over your lives you are no longer free, you are a slave to that group. That group is a cult, no matter what badges or uniforms they are wearing. Your government is a cult, and if you worship them you are a cult follower, like it or not.

I do not read books about government cult worship, and that’s why I will not be reading this book. If the main protagonists were independent people, perhaps community organisers or the local church, then I would be interested in following the book, as the subject matter is very contemporary, and the art is gritty, original and very appealing. However, if I read this book I am passively accepting that a group of people (as represented by the Mulder and Scully characters) has legitimate authority over people, and are just there to help them. This is a very dangerous mindset, as governments are the biggest mass murderers in world history. This is called DEMOCIDE, and it is the number one cause of unnatural death in the past century. I’ll leave a brief video link to it at the end of this review, and I strongly suggest you spend four minutes of your time looking at it.

‘The Empty Man,’ is not a bad book, but it has that one fundamental flaw (supporting the legitimacy of an illegitimate cult group) that will stop me from reading it. The art is great, and if you don’t see any problem with supporting the biggest mass murderers in world history (government) then you’ll probably get some enjoyment out of it. Don’t expect it to look at the impact of television, and the people behind the programming placed on it, but it might do some interesting stuff, whilst skirting around the edges of truth, about what is really causing something like the recent Slender Man murders. If it blames the ‘Internet’ for the murders, as is being framed by the corporate whore mainstream media, well you know it’s just playing into the long term agenda where the government wants to start censoring and controlling that as well, just like the lying box. I won’t be reading issue #2 to see what happens next, but this is an okay book. I don’t hate it, but I can’t read it. Rating: 7/10

Please check out this link for important information about democide-

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