Thursday 27 August 2015

Comic review: Gotham by Midnight #8- Television, Cops and the State

Writer: Ray Fawkes
Artist: Juan Ferreyra
Publisher: DC Comics
Released: 26th August 2015

Gotham by Midnight #8 is an unpleasant, unimportant and depressingly stuck within the matrix little comic book, so I won’t waste too much time in reviewing it.

The tv gets us at each other's throats, no **** Sherlock
The story is perfunctory, nothing happening, statist drivel. The protagonists are cops and a couple of television hosts. The two hosts are well-worn-out clichés (ruthless and ambitious) and the cops are divided into the usual two categories, good and bad.

There is no underlying understanding of the immoral nature of order following, not that I would ever expect that in a DC comic book. The cops are either ambitious (bad) or trying to do the right thing (good).

Comic book writers still fail to understand that the state is violent coercion, that it is a control system of human enslavement backed up by order following goons. It always has been, and what do they do? They still play the game that the television plays, the game that the politicians play, the game that the newspapers play.

The game is this: You have a choice, but all of your choices are evil. Choose one evil over the other, and that means that you are free, and that evil now has your consent to rule over you.

But what if you don’t want the evil that is violent state coercion? Tough luck, you’re getting it anyway, slave.

I’m fed up with the game now. I’m fed up with comic book writers not understanding it, and I’m fed up of books like Gotham by Midnight #8.

Don't worry, the diverse agents of the state are here to save us.
There was one thing of note in the book. The two hero cops are smart, young and attractive, as they always are in cop shows. One of the cops is an attractive young girl with short hair, a Goth type that you might have seen in a 1990’s comic book by Neil Gaimen.

I’ve met real cops, female cops. Sorry, but they are not cool, comic book style Goths. Real life cops are simple-minded rule followers. They do what they are told, and are happy to do so.  I feel sorry for them. They are lost children in a world of predatory adults.

Anyway, the fantasy Goth Cop in Gotham by Midnight has a boyfriend. He’s a tribal tattooed pretty boy with long hair and a fondness for cooking. In other words, he’s playing the role of the female in their relationship. It’s all about equality now you see. The woman gets to work for the evil that is the state, and the boyfriend gets to stay at home and do her housework and cooking for her.

Yep, it’s that kind of book. That’s how lame it is, and I kind of hate myself for wasting my money on it. Yuck, what a piece of crap that was. Tame, lame and pushing a version of reality that comes from the wet dreams of a viewer of the Daily Show. I wasted my money again, didn’t I? Crap.

Rating: (More cop show disinformation from the liberal mainstream)

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