Monday 29 June 2015

Digital comic book review: Dark Moon #2- Invoking Happy Memories of Doom

Title: Dark Moon #2

Released: 18th June 2015

Creators Website:

Click link below to read Dark Moon #2 for FREE:

Do you like comic books? Do you like fun? Do you like things that are free?  If so, I have some good news for you. Click on the link at the top of this review and you will find a FREE AND FUN sci-fi digital comic book about astronauts and creepy alien monsters.

There is no catch. You don’t have to sign up for anything. You don’t even have to type in your name, or email address, or take a survey. It’s free, it really is free, no catches.

So what exactly is Dark Moon #2, and why should you bother clicking on the link at all, free or not?  I’ll explain:

Dark Moon #2 is a digital comic book, with an accompanying musical sound track. All you have to do is right click and the entire experience unfolds before you. The story is simple. It’s about a group of astronauts investigating a suspiciously deserted alien planet and attempting to uncover just what the heck is going on.

The music is amazing. It’s spooky, creepy, atmospheric, dark, chilling, and takes me back to the days when I used to play Doom. It has that same tension, that same anxiety, that same feeling that something bad is about to happen, that you are being stalked and that any second now something horrible is going to jump out of the shadows and scare the beejeezus out of you.

Dark Moon #2 has an excellent sound track, but it’s not just about the music. The art is stark and uncluttered, and uses a dark grey palette, with a vivid blood red exploding onto the screen during startling moments of horror. The music builds tension, leading you calmly, spookily, inevitably into dramatic moments of fight or flight horror. The art follows the same template, and compliments the music perfectly.

An overly complicated script could have stripped the enjoyment out of this project, but you don’t have to worry about that here. The script serves the tension building experience, and is not trying to impress with elaborate cleverness or gimmickry. It keeps the story moving, builds up the tension, and gives the reader the information they need in order to fully immerse themselves within the narrative.

The script and artwork in Dark Moon #2 do exactly what they are supposed to do. They are in perfect synch with the movie quality soundtrack, and by keeping it simple, they combine to create a tremendously enjoyable, spooky, tension filled digital comic book experience.

I’m an old cynic, and I talk a lot about neoliberalism and horrible real world realities, but I also like a bit of fun in my life as well. Dark Moon #2 is a lot of fun, and it’s free. What more could you ask for? Click the link, enjoy the book, and tell people about it. Free fun is what you are getting here, and who in the world would not want to experience that?

Rating: 7.5/10 (Lots of tension, and lots of fun)

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