Thursday 25 June 2015

Cookie Monster Debuts In Conan Comic Book- Review- Conan the Avenger #15

Full comic title: Conan the Avenger- Xuthal of the Dusk, Part Three.’

Writer: Fred Van Lente
Artist: Guiu Vilanova
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Released: 24th June 2015

I love me some Conan. Give me some scantily clad maidens in need of rescue, horrible monsters, scheming sorcerers and their dodgy daughters and Conan himself with his big phallic sword and I’m as happy as a banker on bonus day.

I was having a great time reading Conan the Avenger #15. Conan had fallen through a trapdoor, a naked maiden was tied to a dungeon wall, and a monster was lurking, but then something very strange happened.


If you don’t believe me, buy the book for yourself, turn to page ten, and tell me that isn’t the Cookie Monster. I was looking for an image of the page somewhere on the Internet to include in this review, but I couldn’t find one, so I’ll just have to use another picture instead.

What else is there to say about a Conan book that features a surprise special guest appearance by the Cookie Monster? You don’t get any better than that, and even though this version of “Xuthal of the Dusk” is noticeably inferior to the 1977 version in ‘The Savage Sword of Conan #20’, that version, good as it was, didn’t have the Cookie Monster in it.

If you haven’t yet read the book, then you need to get it immediately. Trust me on this one, it’s not every day that you get the big blue guy showing up in a Dark Horse Comic book, and if you miss his absolutely hilarious debut in Conan the Avenger #15 you’ll be kicking yourself for the rest of the year.

Rating: 7/10 ("Me want cookie! Me eat cookie!")

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