Tuesday 15 July 2014

Comic book news: Thor to become a woman

‘This October, Marvel Comics evolves once again in one of the most shocking and exciting changes ever to shake one of the “big three” of Captain American, Iron Man and Thor. No longer is the classic Thunder God able to hold the mighty hammer, Mjölnir, and a brand new female hero will emerge worthy of the name THOR.’

More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/news/comics/2014/7/15/22875/marvel_proudly_presents_thor#ixzz37ZAxpeQn

In news that’s about as shocking as the Sun coming up in the morning, or another BBC presenter being arrested on charges of paedophilia, Marvel comics has announced that long running character the almighty Thor is to become a woman. The big question now of course being, will she be a gay woman, and the answer? Probably.

Marvel comics, the feminist liberal corporate whore of the comic book industry has long been dipping into it’s politically correct box of tricks in an attempt to spice things up and make it’s increasingly anachronistic and backwards comic books relevent to today’s Internet savvy audiences. However, the comic book giant has a serious truth telling problem. That problem revolves around the fact that they, as a large corporation owned by globalist child brainwashers Disney, are a part of the corporate tyranny that is enslaving humanity as a whole. Their problem is thus, how to make itself appear to be relevant, whilst ignoring all of the important issues of our times?

It’s simple; they turn their characters, black, female or gay. You see, in 2014 you can say pretty much whatever you want to say about ethnic groups, LBG’s (that’s lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and trans-gender) and women, just as long as you are saying nice things about them. It’s encouraged, and you get politically correct brownie points for it, everybody congratulates you on being ‘tolerant’ and ‘progressive’ and you can ignore all of the important issues of 2014 like illegal wars, NSA spying, corporate and banking corruption, political parties that represent nobody except the rich, poisons in the food and water supply, the funding of foreign terrorists and the fear of government funded terrorism as an excuse to take your rights away back home.

All of these issues can be ignored by focussing on gender, sexuality and race, so that is what mainstream comic book writers in 2014 do. The only problem with this is that it’s getting a bit tired now, and so when news comes out that Thor is to become a woman nobody gives two-shits about it. Many, many, many, many, many moons ago perhaps it would have been something worth discussing. But these days the news is released and nobody even cares. I won’t be buying the comic, but not because Thor is becoming a woman. I won’t be buying the comic because I’ve read writer Jason Aarons work on Thor before. His Thor is a US marine with powers, flying around the world ‘protecting the civilians from dictators.’ In other words, he’s a bloody idiot, written by a bloody idiot who has bought into mainstream media’s justifications for the next war, and the next war after that and the next war after that one. And so Thor is becoming a woman. Is that really the best that Marvel can do these days? Yes, sadly it is.


  1. You're so right. This cheap-ass move from Marvel is so cliché at this point, it should be embarrassing. But Marvel continually proves they have no shame. I can't believe anyone still falls for this shallow lip-service PC bullshit -- but unfortunately there are still droves of zombie leftists who will eat this garbage up with a spoon.

    And yeah, Mark -- you're totally right on your video about that blatant propaganda piece by Aaron in the last Thor story arc wherein it was essentially a big advertisement for the West to invade whatever country they want. It amazes me that otherwise smart people can't pick up on this manipulation in their pop culture.

    1. Thanks again for commenting mate. I get really pissed off that nobody is pointing this stuff out. Is it really up to somebody like me on this blog? It's not exactly subtle, yet the comic book websites never say a bloody word about this stuff.

    2. Good question.

      I suspect it's a combination of brain-dead comic fans who are simply unable and unwilling to see the propaganda, and the fact that those of us who do actually see it typically just keep our mouths shut because our viewpoint is controversial and currently unpopular.

      ...but not you, Mark.

      You're the Alex Jones of comics bloggers. :)

    3. The Alex Jones of comic bloggers?? Wow, I guess I am. Thanks for the huge compliment mate.
