Friday 11 July 2014

Review: Star Wars #19- Feminist liberal wet fart

Writer: Brian Wood
Artist: Carlos D’Anda
Publisher: Dark Horse comics
Released: 9th July 2014

This issue is a bit of a wet fart. Let me explain why. Issue #18 of Star Wars concluded a long arc where the female leaders of the rebel alliance had fallen for an obvious Imperial trap, thus jeopardising every single life in the rebel alliance, including all of the famous names that are the main reason why anybody will be reading this book in the first place.

The funny thing about that book was seeing how feminist liberal writer Brian Wood dug himself out of the hole of his own creation. How could he make the female leaders look strong, even though they were responsible for the big mess that the rebels had found themselves in? If this was anything resembling reality the incompetent two-some of Mon Mothma and Princess Leia would have been forced to resign their positions of power for gross incompetence. That’s not going to happen in this book for two reasons. Firstly, Brian Wood is working with characters with story-arcs that mustn’t be damaged or changed because they have to correspond with the roles they played in the three very popular movies.

Secondly, they are female, and as anybody who has been paying attention to 2014 feminist liberal programming in comic books is already aware of, there must be no criticisms of female leaders in contemporary comics, and any suggestion of incompetence on their behalf is a no-go area. It’s not quite the no go area that Islam or anything to do with the Middle East is, but it’s on par with portraying a homosexual character in any kind of bad light. You just don’t do it if you want to work in comics. I loved issue #18 because Brian Wood had to perform story-telling somersaults to get himself out of the politically correct mess that he had created. And you know what? He largely succeeded. Sure it made no sense, and the story has now continued like nothing has happened, but he didn’t upset the liberal Mafia (and he is a part of that Mafia as well) and all is right in the wilfully blind world of feminist liberal comic books in 2014.

Star Wars #19 has a great front cover, and the interior art is a lot better than it usually is in this book, but the story has now officially fallen into wet fart territory. Beginning something completely new, Wood has decided to tell a not particularly interesting tale of the rescue of an agent, who will probably turn out to be somebody’s sister, or daughter. Again as is usual fare in feminist liberal books, the woman is portrayed as an all action man, leaping from danger, wise quipping and acting like men used to do before it was politically incorrect for them to do so. But she’s trapped, and she needs rescuing, although this is not her fault obviously, and she’s tough and independent, but she’s trapped and here we go again with Brian Wood getting himself in a mess, trying to portray females as strong, but getting it all wrong again. Another shovel Mr Wood?

The rest of the book is Han Solo and Luke Skywalker having their balls slowly removed as they meekly and unquestioningly follow the orders of their female superiors. Han Solo is just a love sick teenager in this book, and he in no way shape or form resembles the man that appeared in the original Star Wars movies. That man was a 1970’s man, and that man simply does not exist anymore. He’s been replaced by a liberal wet fart, and that’s what this book is, a liberal wet fart.

The character with the most personality in this book is a droid. A bad guy droid who is tracking our action heroine and saying funny little things like, ‘Humans are so stupid,’ to himself whilst doing so. I agree with him by the way. The humans in this book are stupid, very stupid, and once again Princess Leia has flown some of the most important characters in the Star Wars universe into a very likely trap. All organised and approved by Mon Mothma, the most tactically unaware leader since Hitler thought it would be a good idea to invade Russia in the winter. With leaders like this it’s amazing that the rebels actually won the war against the Empire.

The book ends with an emasculated Han Solo blindly following orders in the background as his beloved Millennium Falcon gets shot to bits, and incompetent Hillary Clinton clone Princess Leia thinks only of herself whilst enjoying a tepid hug with her now even drippier than ever brother Luke.

What a pile of shite. That’s it for me on this one. Who exactly is this book written for? I was reading because I’m a fan of the old characters, but they’ve been given such a lame liberal makeover that they are no longer recognisable as the characters I fell in love with in those old movies. Luke is a gay best friend, Han is a lovesick order following teenager, and Leia is bossing everyone around whilst making bad decision after bad decision with no consequences whatsoever. With decision making skills like that she’s the perfect embodiment of the western political elite’s and their actions since 2001. Making mistake after mistake, with nobody ever taking any blame for the consequences of their actions. And yes, I’m talking about you Tony Blair, you lying piece of satanic crap.

The only thing to look forward to in this book is the rescue mission of a girl who is so identical in every single way to Princess Leia that Wood is even forced to address it in this story. Is she a sister, half sister, cousin, auntie, whatever? She’s probably the gay lover of Mon Mothma, or something equally as daft, as you know that Brian Wood has just been dying to write a gay character into this story to show off his politically correct credentials to all of the brain washed liberal drips out there. You know what, I don’t care. That’s it for me on this book. The art has never been better, but the story has never been worse, and those bloody characters? Give me a break, what a total and utter feminist liberal wet fart.
Rating: 3/10 (for the art)

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