Friday 15 May 2015

Comic Review: Captain America & The Mighty Avengers #8: Vote Hillary

Writer: Al Ewing
Artist: Luke Ross
Publisher: Marvel
Released: 13th May 2015

Here’s a review that is probably going to offend you if you are a liberal minded comic book reader.

If you enjoy getting offended and feeling morally superior on issues of race, gender and religion, then you’ll want to read this review. You can leave your passive aggressive comments at the end of the review in the open, uncensored comment section. That’s okay, I expect it. You can tell me that I’m a bad person, and insinuate that I need to be put into a camp or something. I welcome the comments, because that is what I expect. What I don’t expect is a serious, polite debate about the issues that I’m about to bring up.

Okay then, ready? Here we go:

Conspiracy theories are for basement dwelling, tin-foil hat wearing paranoid morons. You know the kind, right? Pathetic loser white men with dirty beards and comb-overs who call people ‘sheeple,’ and go on about 'Chem-trails' and other stupid things like that. These conspiracy men (they are always men) are sweaty, fat, paranoid, totally uncool and always wrong.

Young Muslim girls (keep it vague, don’t identify them as Sunni or Shiaa) are brave heroines, and we should respect everything that they say. Don’t actually do anything to help them though, as discussing Sunni Islam, Saudi Arabia, and other crazy dictatorships supported by the west is not to be done at the moment.

Say whatever you want about Christians though. Those crazy cult followers (make sure it’s always Christian, and please don’t mention anything to do with Jews or Israel) always think that it’s the end of the world. They need to be mocked and beaten up. They are brainwashed, dangerous, violent, and suicidal and err, that was close, you didn’t mention ISIS, did you? No, I definitely made sure that it was just the Christians that we were mocking here. Okay, phew, thank atheism for that.

The illuminati are real, and there really are secret groups of powerful men who control the world and lie to us on the television, making decisions that affect us all, but not telling us about it when they do so.

But what about the Christians and Conspiracy nuts, didn’t they talk about this? Yeah, they did, but that doesn’t matter. They are still wrong, even though they told us all about the illuminati thing decades ago. The people in charge just wanted to help and protect us, and the Christians and conspiracy nuts are uncool, and old, and losers anyway, and they’re far too white as well, so they’re probably racist or something as well.

What we need is women and people of colour (women of colour would be best) to take charge now, and to fix the mess caused by the stupid white men. But, what about the structure of the system itself, and how it is designed in a top down fashion to enrich a handful of rich people (of all colours, genders and religions) whilst exploiting the 99%? No, let’s ignore all of that. Democracy is a great system, we just need to change the race and gender of the people in charge of it, and then everything will be okay.

Makes no sense whatsoever, does it? The liberal drip obsession with race and gender, and the mocking of Christians and people who question mainstream consensus (as ‘conspiracy theorists’) is getting really old, and tired now. But that’s the mainstream liberal world-view encapsulated, and if you want to see it played out in all of it’s self-deception and race/ religion baiting glory (Christianity only, of course), then buy ‘Last Days- Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #8.’

The book is liberal America (and it’s UK cousins) trying to make sense of it’s own lies. It might be worth purchasing the book if you are a critically aware student and you need to do an essay on the collapsing liberal establishment and their reluctance to deal with the lies of the Obama establishment. But for anybody not stuck in the mainstream liberal web of lies it will make for a painful and even depressing read.

Most comic book fans will let the liberal consensus guff wash over them and will probably describe the book as a bit too talky, light on action and dull. It was that as well, but the self-delusion of it all was the thing that stood out to me.

This is a book that would support Hillary Clinton as the next President of the US, not because she’s going to be any good, but because she is a woman.

Don’t worry Mr. Ewing, you are a good man. I detected no hint of racism, sexism, or Islamaphobia in your book, and you didn’t question anything of any real importance at all, so well done to you. No thought Police will be knocking on your twitter door anytime soon, and your precious career in mainstream comic books will proceed as before.

Rating: 3/10 (I enjoyed the nice clear art from artist Luke Ross, but the rest of the book was not for me)

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