Wednesday 4 November 2015

50 Word Review-Drax #1: CM Punk’s Pipe-Bomb Comic Book Fails to Ignite

Writers: CM Punk & Cullen Bunn
Artist: Scott Hepburn
Publisher: Marvel (Disney)
Released: 4th November 2015

Smart butt one-liners, quips, self-aware jokes, the book laughs at itself. Empty protagonist Drax runs on revenge/hatred. Punk commenting on his own life? CM railed against corporate WWE system of dull conformity, too legit, he quit. Here, he puts his name to just another corporate comic book. Fandom, or money?

Rating: 4/10

Drax #1 is ex-WWE wrestler CM Punk’s second attempt at (part) writing a comic book (the first was in the Feb 25th 2015 Thor annual). It’s co-written by established writer Cullen Bunn, and to me, the book reads like just another safe, corporate, Cullen Bunn narrative. It’s character based, daft, uncontroversial (not like Punk at all) and pretty much indistinguishable from any other Marvel comic book that you will find today. The story exists as mere background to the characters as they engage in witty banter, ‘cool’ dialogue, knowing asides and smart a*** comments. It’s going for that comic book ‘cool’ factor that made the last Avengers movie such an interminably bore to sit through, and I’m not impressed. CM Punk was all about anti-authority, rebellion and telling it like it is (or at least as he saw it), but I don’t detect ANY hint of that anti-corporate rebellion in this comic book. Pipe bomb? Nope, it’s not even a softly deflating balloon. It’s just another comic book, and as CM Punk was more than just another wrestler, this one has to go into my ever-increasing pile of comics bearing the scribbled legend, ‘Disappointing.’ I’m reading little of worth in contemporary comic books, and that’s why I’m starting to write my own webcomics on this blog. Please check them out. I know that the art is bad, but at least I’m trying to say something, and that’s a lot more than you can say about Drax #1.

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