Wednesday 18 November 2015

50-Word (Comic) Review- Starlord #1: Pretty much what you would expect

Writer: Sam Humphries
Art: Javier Garron
Publisher: Marvel (Disney)
Released: 18th November 2015

I’m like totally a rebel, and I like want to impress my dead Mum. Dad? What is a Dad? Anyway, this like female boss is like totally on my side, and I’m going to steal this spaceship to show how special I am. Wooooooshhhhh, off I go. Oh, I’m lost.

Rating: 4/10

Here’s a book about the bloke that everybody liked in that movie. He’s a loveable loser type. I find it very telling that one of the most popular new comic book heroes is a loser, telling because it’s the comic book industry reflecting readers back onto themselves. They see their readers as losers, so the heroes are losers as well, with the obvious difference being that in the real world comic book fans will always be losers, but in comics, they win, hence the appeal. So, is this book any good? If you want a personality based narrative about a loveable loser getting to win, get it. I couldn’t get anything out of it, but that’s because I am a comic book reader who wants to win for himself, not just read about winners, and that’s why I’ve started to do my own webcomics. Please check out the latest one here on my blog. It’s about BigFoot and Isis. The art isn’t as good as you will be used to, but I’m trying to say something about reality, about the real world, and you are not going to get that in Marvel/Disney comic books about loveable losers that get to win.

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