Wednesday 4 November 2015

50-Word (Comic) Review- Klaus #1: A Wonderful Fairytale Book about the Origins of Santa Claus

Writer: Grant Morrison
Art: Dan Mora
Publisher: Boom! Studios
Released: 4th November 2015

Soldiers revel in cruelty, granted by a tyrant, his castle towers over homes of the poor. Spoilt child destroys, wants more, a solitary trader, appalled at what he sees, escapes, then by night, alien elves conjure presents for children, a red cape, a sprinkle of snow. Santa is that you?

Rating: 8/10

Klaus #1 is a lovely surprise gift to the comic book world, and it’s just in time for Christmas 2015. The story is about the origin of Santa Claus, and there’s something very fairytale about it, mixed with the dirty realism that you will find in an old brother’s Grimm story. Issue #1 follows a buffed up (bearded) young man as he visits a town gone to wrack and ruin due to a scumbag leader, and all of the top down corruption that inevitably follows when those in charge are a right bunch of bankers. It might as well be about David Cameron, and the town might as well be London in 2015. The rot starts from the top, and when everybody is aware of the corruption of those in power, the reasoning goes, why not be just as corrupt as them, after all corruption equals success, right? The only difference between this book and the UK in 2015 is that at least the men in this book have jobs. They might all be down a dirty old mine, but at least they are working, and that’s a lot more than you can say about a lot of people in the UK right now. Anyway, back to this book. It’s a happy bundle of Christmas joy, get it, it’s good, there’s a nice feel about it, and you’ll like it, probably, I did.

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