Thursday 19 November 2015

50-Word (Comic) Review- Red Thorn #1- If Kurt Cobain were alive today he would be 48-years-old

Writer: David Baillie
Artist: Meghan Hetrick
Publisher: Vertigo (DC)
Released: 18th November 2015 (not 1994)

Halfway through and it’s annoying the heck out of me. The characters are douchebags, nothing is believable, and the references are early 1990’s bands. Yuck, I don’t want to read about unbelievable, unlikeable asses. Why are comic book writers still stuck in 1993? Will I read the entire issue? No.

Rating: 2/10

I was a huge fan of Nirvana, and when Kurt died in 1994 I found it sad, but predictable. His songs were about a miserable, nothing happening adolescence, and as he got famous they morphed into songs about hating fame, and wanting to go back to the life that he hated anyway. Heroin addiction and death were inevitable for a man who refused to look on the bright side. He left some great, angry, pounding music behind him, but his refusal to embrace the possibility of future happiness killed him. I got over Nirvana a long time ago, but that’s doesn’t appear to be the case for a lot of people. I was in the supermarket today, and Kurt’s face was on the front of a top-selling (meaning it sells about ten issues) music magazine, and now I’ve just read a ‘new’ comic book from Vertigo, and Kurt is all over that as well. What the hell happened? When did our culture grind to a halt? When did looking back, relying on nostalgia, become the norm? Kurt died 21 FN YEARS AGO!!! It’s time to move on, and do something genuinely new, so when I read a comic book with (yet another) young female protagonist, and she’s all about Nirvana, it’s an immediate turn-off. A big flashing neon sign clobbers me over the head and tells me that this writer has nothing to say about now, so is going back to the past in an attempt to pump some meaning into his already moribund creation. Goddamn it man. Another FN comic with Nirvana references. I can’t believe it. Well, I can, and that’s why it’s so bloody depressing. Agggghhh, enough words, sod this comic book, over.

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