Wednesday 29 July 2015

Comic review: Justice League- Gods and Monsters- Superman #1- SuperMex Vs. Evil White Racists

Writers: J.M DeMatteis & Bruce Timm
Art: Moritat
Publisher: DC Comics
Released: 29th July 2015

I really enjoyed this comic book. Not because it is any good, but because it is the perfect encapsulation of the politically correct, left leaning, ‘progressive’ cult of mind-control and censorship that is the US comic book industry today.

Have you noticed that the mainstream corporate whore media is a bit ‘liberal’ these days? Sure, you still get Fox news blasting out its nonsense to it’s scared an elderly audience, but Fox is for ‘old’ people. Cool, hip, progressive youngsters are all about the rainbows, feminism, Marxism, atheism and tolerance these days. There is a consensus collectivist mind-set that is being broadcast to young people today from the mainstream corporate media outlets, and it consists of the following:

1- Abortion is about equality and women’s rights, and has nothing to do with murdering babies.

2- Immigration is good, and if you complain about it you are a racist.

3- Men are troublesome. We need women to take over in order to make the world a better place.

4- The only people that need to have guns are the Police, and those with government approved authority. The Police (and the government) are our friends, and it’s their job to protect us from bad guys.

5- Opposing gay marriage is morally wrong. People need to get with the times and stop being so homophobic.

6- Christians are like gullible children. You can tolerate them, but they must be taken away from all decision making.

7- Islam is a religion of peace, and if you criticise suicide bombers or the latest massacre you are Islamaphobic.

8- The State is legitimate, and we are ‘free’ because we are allowed to vote between two pre-selected corporate parties.

9- Order followers are heroes, even though they operate with no regards to personal responsibility or morality.

10- Racism means white people hating black people. There is no such thing as a black racist.

11- Feminism is about empowering women and defending them against a big conspiracy by evil white men called ‘Patriarchy.’

There are more, but I think that I nailed the most important ones here. Now, bearing all of the above liberal assumptions in mind, what would you expect to see in a DC Comic book about a Mexican superman?

That’s what Justice League- Gods and Monsters- Superman #1 is by the way. It’s a book about a Mexican Superman growing up with his immigrant family in America. Stop reading this review now, and write down some of the things that you would expect to see in a corporate whore liberal PC comic book in 2015 about a brave and heroic Mexican Superman.

Are you still here? Stop reading, go on, do the list, and then come back to this review.

Okay then. I hope you’ve done your list. I’ve also done a list. Here is my list of the PC cliches that make up this story about SuperMex:

1- An unrealistically perfect young female is the heroine of the narrative.

2- The young SuperMex is troubled, and needs to be corrected by positive female influences, as opposed to positive male role models.

3- Immigrants are honest, hard working and downtrodden.

4- The white (male) locals are bigoted, idiotic, violent racists.

5- SuperMex is going to change the world, but only because he listened to his perfect young sister.

6- It’s okay to murder people, but only if they are criminals.

7- The people that need to be eliminated are those who operate outside the law, not the Government, banks and corporations who are the real slave owners of the world.

The book has a drug cartel as it’s main villains, and if you are wondering how they make that fit into the PC narrative then I’ll tell you. They make the leader of the cartel a young man with blonde hair. He’s a (very) white Mexican, but let’s be honest here. He’s a white man, so he’s the obvious bad guy of the narrative.

At the end of this book SuperMex has become a class warrior for the downtrodden Mexican immigrant females. These females are perfect, obviously, because they are women, but even better than that, they are women with a tint to their complexion. They are women, and not white. Wow, that’s a two in one there.

Men still suck of course, but if they listen to the great, innate wisdom coming from these perfect embodiments of wisdom and compassion (young females) they might have a chance to bring some good into the world. Men, if left alone, are only going to be selfish, stupid, aggressive and self-destructive. Why? Because, that’s just what men do, isn’t it?

In other words- Masculinity is inherently bad, whilst femininity is inherently good.

I’m not joking here. This is seriously how the comic book goes. It’s not an aberration by the way. This is how all of the DC and Marvel comic books read today. There’s a consensus, and if you go against it you are opening yourself up to charges of sexism, misogyny and bigotry. Thanks for coming kid, but your career ends here, unless we get a brand new attitude from you where all of your female characters are young, feisty, strong, independent, brave, in charge (preferable wearing a government badge or uniform) and kicking plenty of male buttocks.

That’s how big a joke it’s all becoming now within mainstream US comic books. Liberal types like to mock Fox news (and I’m not a fan of it myself) but they need to look in the mirror and see what they have become. What they have become is a big old circle jerk that congratulates itself on how ‘tolerant’ and ‘progressive’ they all are, when all they are really doing is creating a new corporate status quo that is every bit as dangerous as the right-wing nonsense coming from Fox news.

This new corporate consensus is not really about human rights and equality. If liberals really cared about human rights and equality then their number one target would be the religion of Islam, the most violent and backwards looking, female and gay hating cult in the world today. But do you ever hear liberals say anything to criticise Islam? Of course not, because they don’t really give a damn about equality and freedom at all.

What they do actually care about is acting like moral crusaders whilst telling people what they can and cannot think and say. They are totalitarian fascists and a comic book like JL-Gods and Monsters- Superman #1 is supporting this PC/Progressive/New World Order cult of mind control and censorship. Get the book if you are a student writing an essay on the new totalitarian left, but for anybody else, for anybody interested in liberty, free speech and individualism, there is nothing here for you.

Rating: 3/10 (For its insights into the cult of progressivism and its unintentional comedy value)

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