Thursday 25 December 2014

Comic review: Conan the Avenger #9- Have a Happy Conan Christmas

Writer: Fred Van Lente
Artist: Brian Ching
Publisher: Dark Horse comics
Released: 24th December 2014

On this cold Christmas morning of 2014 what better way to spend my time than reviewing the latest Conan the Avenger book? Is that a bit sad? Probably, but hey, I’m a comic book reader, so sad is what I am.

Don’t worry, I’ll keep the review short. It’s Christmas day and I have a bucket load of calorie intensive food to eat and bad television to watch, just like everybody else.

So, the book is pretty bloody good. Conan is young in this one. He is scheming, helping an invading army, but with his eyes set not on conquest, but a ‘fabled treasure.’ Throw in some gorgeous blonde sisters for him to rescue and impress and you have a pretty good Conan book.

The one thing that was missing from the book was a devious wizard. Without spoilers, the last panel of this book delivers big time, and it left me punching the air in delight as the final panel reveal unfolded before my delighted, geeky Conan fanboy eyes.

Conan the Avenger #9 is a very welcome addition to the mythos. The art is a bit too cutesy for some, but I like it. Conan has a snarl and youthful arrogance about him, and it’s just as I envision the ambitious, cocky, cunning, yet still learning from practical experience young Conan to be. The narrative can be a little complex, difficult to follow, but a couple of reads clarify the events, and as its such an enjoyable book, reading it two or three times over is pure pleasure anyway.

So, finally to end the review. Have a happy Conan Christmas, now lets eat some food, drink some ale and have a bloody good time.

Rating: 8/10

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