Sunday 29 June 2014

Blitz Review: Conan the Avenger #3- Slowly building, terrifically coloured

Writer: Fred Van Lente
Artist: Brian Ching
Colourist: Michael Atiyeh
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Released: 25th June 2014

What a great start to the day, reading a Conan book with political intrigue, gorgeous girls, scheming sorcerers, terrible beasts and Conan the Cimmerian right in the middle of it all.

This took a couple of re-reads, just to clarify in my mind exactly what was going on, and I really appreciated that as the artwork is gorgeous, in particular the dark colouring by Michael Atiyeh, so going back over the book to clarify a few points is an absolute delight.

 It’s been a great week for me, Conan wise. I've read two fantastic Conan books from Dark Horse comics, two books that have completely obliterated any feelings of depression that came from reading a couple of stupid superhero comics. King Conan Conqueror #5 was amazing and now this one. Both are excellent, even though they are very different books.

King Conan Conqueror #5 has a beautiful framing device of an older King Conan telling the tale of how he recovered a precious jewel and reclaimed his kingdom. There is an epic feel to it, and the Conan in the tale itself is a brawny colossus of a man, a man in his prime.

Conan the Avenger has a younger, almost playful and mischievous Conan, though when it comes time for battle he is still very much the Conan that we all know and love. Issue #3 clarifies the meat and potatoes of the story, and at the conclusion of the issue Conan accepts a role that will see him become a major player in the story that is unfolding. No longer is he an outside. He now has an important role, and a man who began the arc drinking alone in a tavern has found himself right in the middle of an internal, political power struggle between warring factions. Throw in some hack and slash action, some sorcery, a big old scary monster and some beautiful girls and you have everything you need for a classic Conan the Barbarian story.

I don’t know why, but I didn’t think that this book would impress me quite as much as it did, especially after reading the excellent King Conan Conquer #5, but this issue impressed me, a lot. The story, the art, the tone, the beautiful colouring. What a great book. Nice job to all involved, and I can’t wait for next month’s issue to see where this is all going, and how Conan takes centre stage and deals with the political machinations of that dastardly wizard and his pet goon monster. Great book, get it now.
Rating: 9/10

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