Friday 6 November 2015

50-Word (Comic) Review- The Infidel, featuring Pigman #1: Take that Jihadi Scum!!!

Writer: Bosch Fawstin
Artist: Bosch Fawstin
Publisher: Bosch Fawstin
Released: 2011
Price: £1.99

A ruthless hero kicks butt, not fake comic book villain butt, real butt, with jokes about pigs, bashing a Jihadi over the head with the Quran, and talking truth about a paedophile prophet, this is a book that goes where others are too cowardly to go. This is bloody awesome.

Rating: 10/10

My plan for the day was to read, and then review, Joe Golem ‘Occult Detective #1’ from DarkHorse Comics, but half-way through the book I was so bored with it that I decided to put it down and do something a bit more satisfying and worthwhile with my time. That resulted in my writing a new webcomic for my blog (the one about Reality Cat going to the comic book shop and discovering that everything there was feminist/progressive). After finishing off that webcomic I decided to see if I could find ANY comic book that looked at the world from even a slightly ‘right-wing’ point of view. It was slim pickings, but what I did find was a fantastic Digital comic called ‘The Infidel –featuring Pigman #1’ written by Bosch Fawstin and available (digitally only it appears) on ComiXology. I purchased the book, read it, and what can I say? It’s flippin incredible. Here is a book that’s not afraid to talk about Islam in a way that NEEDS TO BE DONE. I won’t spoil the book, so all I’ll say is GET IT, NOW. Here is a comic book that has balls. I love it, love it, love it, and as for Joe Golem-Occult Detective? Sod that tired old tripe, if I can’t even finish the book then there’s no chance in Hell that I’m going to waste my time reviewing it.

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