Wednesday 8 April 2015

Comic review: Rebels #1- A New World Order Survival Guide

Writer: Brian Woods
Artist: Andrea Mutti
Colours: Jordie Bellaire
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Released: 8th April 2015

‘In a rush of great public resistance to an oppressive and excessive government, a home-grown militia movement is formed in rural America. THIS IS NOT 2015, BUT 1775.’

And so begins Brian Wood’s already fascinating tale of small town rebellion against tyrannical government, with a hint that things are not so different TODAY than they were back in 1775. Hinting that the tyranny has returned, and it’s time that small town folk started up their militia once again to reclaim their freedom from centralised, unaccountable government.

I had high, high hope for this book. I was happy to forget Wood’s recent work on mainstream comic books that’s been so dull that I can’t even remember what titles he was working on, and I was even happy to forget all memories of his probably Communist/Collectivist analogy ‘The Massive’ where a ship has been sailing around a post-apocalyptic world for what seems like forever without getting to the bloody point of what it’s all supposed to be about.

Yes, I’m a patient man, and when I saw that Brian Wood was writing a book about the American war of independence against King psycho and his British order followers I immediately had visions of strong masculine father figures, men acting like men in comics for a change, strong, independent FREE FROM GOVERNMENT SLAVERY types and a good, valuable history lesson about bloody well standing up for your rights and kicking government in the arse when it gets too big for it’s britches.

Guess what?

I got MORE than I was hoping for in Rebels #1. It’s a fantastic book, subtle, free of story-line maudlin coincidences and happy outcomes from the off, it’s rough, realistic, dirty and real.

I’m English/Welsh and the slave masters of my time don’t want me to know anything about my history. That’s why my school history classes were all about Nazi Germany, and nothing to do with the immense, proud history of my own people.

I grew up with no sense of identity, which is exactly what government wants. It makes you easier to control, easier to enlist in their armies, easier to control, easier to kill. America is different, or at least it used to be. Americans still have a grasp on their history. They know who they are, even though the present government is starting to wipe that history away, exactly like they did in the UK in order to create a bunch of ignorant statist voter slaves to feed the corporate borg system, or New World Order.


Buy this book. Learn about your very recent history, learn about government tyranny, and learn how to stand up to it, and defeat it.

Books like Rebels #1 are depressingly rare in this era of the New World Order. It’s a book about resistance, a book about looking after yourself, a book about defending your family, a book about being a real man. Buy it. Buy it now. It’s not just another comic book, it’s a New World Order survival guide.

Rating: 10/10 (Brian Woods is back on form)

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