Thursday 4 September 2014

Comic book blitz review: Green Lantern: Futures End #1- A gathering of no meaning

Writer: Robert Venditti
Artist: Martin Coccolo & Aaron Lopresti
Publisher: DC comics
Released: 3rd September 2014

This book does not deserve a long and detailed review, so I’m not going to give it one. The plot is about the Green Lantern fighting dead zombie type characters called The Black Lanterns, with a main villain called Krona.

The fight takes place in space, and bookends the narrative. A simple technique, you begin and end with a fight scene. The problem however is that the meat in the sandwich is flavourless and very, very bland. That meat here is the Green Lantern chatting with the ghost of his dead dad. It comes across as extremely perfunctory, and going through the motions.

The dialogue is horrible, so no empathy is gained for the characters. There’s no connection to humanity in the writing at all. I’m reading about these characters and they never feel real, at all. They feel like two dimensional movie characters in a movie where the script plays second fiddle to the action scenes.

It’s difficult to care about fictional characters when they lack all elements of human individuality that makes an individual an individual. It’s not just the awful dialogue that dooms this book though; it’s the very concept of death itself. A dead man is crying over his dying son, yet the dead man is not really dead, so what makes him so sad that his son is dying when his very existence shows that death is no big deal here anyway? It makes it impossible to care, at all about what is happening here.

This is a unit shifter of a book with space zombies, average art, terrible dialogue and a sense that we are just going through the motions here. It’s such a lazy book. The script has no emotional, thematic depth. I can’t find anything in it because there is nothing there. It’s a very bad book, and this review has been longer than it deserves.

Rating: 3/10 (for the awesome 3D cover)


  1. Agreed. This issue just felt useless. In fact, I thought the vast majority of those 3-D cover Future's End tie-in issues were pretty darn bad.

    Too bad, because last 2013's 3-D Villains one-shots by DC were mostly pretty good.
