Sunday 6 December 2015

Comic review: Robin War #1- Way to ignore the world guys

Writer: Tom King
Artists: Various (they get worse as the narrative progresses)
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: 2nd December 2015

One of the biggest social concerns in the western world today is the growing number of young vigilantes taking to the streets. Every day we read story after story about costume wearing youngsters interfering in bank robberies/muggings and generally getting in the way of the police.

How do we stop this epidemic of reckless youngsters taking the law into their own hands? They are not trained, and all they are doing is putting themselves and the public in danger. This is a terrible problem, and it must be stopped immediately. Heck, we should even pass new laws against vigilantism to stop it.

Oh, it’s not a problem, at all? It’s just nonsense made up for a comic book that is saying NOTHING WHATSOVER about the world that we are living in today, and that in actuality we have NO problem whatsoever with vigilantes taking over the role of the police?

Oh, okay then. So, what’s the point that this comic book is trying to make? Perhaps the ‘vigilante’ thing is code word for something else? Perhaps it’s a clever metaphor or allegory for something that actually is an issue? Hang on. Let me have a good think on this one….



Nothing yet.

Hang on, more thinking time needed………..


Dammit, I got nothing.

Ahhhhh, I know.

Err, is it about racism, or something?

No, no no, no, it’s sexism, right?

It’s got to be one of the two, right?

It usually is in comic books today, battering us over the head with that two pronged Cultural Marxist attack.

Oh, it’s neither of the two?

Crud, so it’s about err, nothing, then?

Oh, it is.

It’s just a comic book, and it’s about personalities and petty conflicts, not issues or subject matters that have any resonance with contemporary, real-world concerns?

Oh, so it’s that’s kind of book?

I see now.

Well, thanks for that then.

Cheers guys.

Great quip on page sixteen, panel four from Robin #5 by the way.

That was really cool, man.

I like totally love quips and fight scenes in bars dude.

This book was so, like totally cool.

I can’t wait for next month.

I hope like Robin #2 like totally flips out on Robin #5 man.

Yeah, man, cool, cool, cool and on and on it goes, for infinity……………………………..

Was that supposed to be a review?

No, not really, but it’s all that Robin War #1 deserves. Sod it, I’ll give a little bit more..

You could argue that the book is encouraging youngsters to take a more active role in society rather than being passive slaves to their isurveillance devices. You could, but that would be a stretch. I really don’t see how Robin War #1 is trying to say anything. It’s trying to entertain, that’s all.

So, did it entertain? No, it didn’t particularly entertain me. It annoyed me because it was so far removed from reality that I couldn’t connect with it on any level, and when that happens in a comic book I get really irritated, really quickly.

I don’t understand why people spend all day writing and don’t even want to say anything about the world around them. That both annoys, and confuses the heck out of me.

Perhaps I just need to accept the fact that life for the vast majority (including comic book writers) is always going to be about finding a comfortable bed, career, food, partner and way to spend their leisure time? That’s probably the hard truth of the matter, and that’s why the slave masters of our world (government) find it so bloody easy to control us.

Bread and circus, if that’s all that we want, that’s all that we are going to get. Oh well, another slice of comic book bread that was a complete waste of my time. I should be getting used to it by now, right? BIG SIGH. Okay, that’s enough.  I have better things to do with my time now. See ya Robin, I got some Ayn Rand to read, have fun in toyland, us grownups have some learning to do……..boring…….later.

Rating: 1/10 (Cool front cover)

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