Tuesday 11 November 2014

Why do people deliberately avoid the truth? – Epic rant on a rant blog.

‘People like to lie to themselves. Facing the truth is uncomfortable for many. Admitting wrong is very hard for some people to do. They will do anything but that, they will perform mental gymnastics, defensive rationalisation, avoidance of the issue, denial, rejection, refusal to acknowledge, and simply plain old ignore what they do not want to admit to.’ (Kris Nelson)

I always say that people don't want to hear the truth. I say a lot of things, but there's a simple reason for people not wanting to hear about the truth. If they understand truth then they have the moral responsibility to act like a decent human being. By deliberately avoiding truth they give themselves an excuse, a get out clause that justifies their actions, or inaction's. It's not my fault, they will say. I was ignorant. I didn't know. I was obeying orders. I was just doing what I was told. I was a cog in the machine. I didn't understand the bigger picture.

This of course is a lie, but without the lie people have to take personal responsibility. Sadly enough, it appears that the last thing people want to do is to take personal responsibility. So when anything goes wrong, and when truth is exposed (Jimmy Saville scandal, Banks doing whatever the Hell they like, MP's expenses scandal, weapons of mass destruction, child abuse in government 'care' homes, recent wars for corporate profit, the deliberate creation of ISIS, etc, etc, etc) the people personally responsible for these horrible situations always have that moral get out clause. They didn't know. They were just doing their jobs. Lessons will be learnt, lets move on.

These people are always surprised, and sometimes even horrified when the truth that they were deliberately avoiding is revealed to them. The same thing happened after WW2 when allied soldiers forced the local civilian populations to visit the Nazi death camps. They knew, of course they knew. A lot of their family members were working there. A lot of them were working there as well. They just preferred not to know because it was easier for them not to know.

People are very skilled at lying to themselves, but deep down, they know. They know perfectly well how and why terrible things have happened. The terrible things happened because people didn't want to engage with truth. They preferred an easy life, a good 'career,’ no accountability and an in-built get out clause that washes them clean of all moral responsibility for their self-serving actions.

The deliberate avoidance of truth is a lot like the Catholic confessional, and you don’t even have to be a Catholic to use it. Just plead ignorance, and pretend that you are sorry. Works every time, except it really doesn’t.

The eternal moral laws of the universe don't work that way. Moral laws have often been compared to the laws of gravity. If you ignore the laws of gravity and jump off a 200 foot building without a parachute then you will splat on the ground below, like it or not. Laws are laws, and there are consequences for breaking them. The moral laws of the universe act in exactly the same way as the laws of gravity. You might not like them, but if you ignore them then you will face the consequences. These consequences are apparent everywhere we look. The world is the way it is today because that is the world that we deserve. We have broken the moral laws of the universe. We deliberately ignored truth, so this is what we get.

This world is full of people who don’t know the truth, not because they are stupid and they can’t understand the truth, but because THEY DON'T WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH. They couldn’t care less about the truth, and they don’t want it. Knowing the truth would mean that they would have to take personal, moral responsibility for their actions. They don’t want that. It would be too difficult, and so they spend their entire lives deliberately avoiding the truth.

We can change the world, but not until we take personal moral responsibility for the results of our own actions. It's not the 'Illuminati,' it's not the 'globalists,' it's not the 'new world order,' it's us.

We create our own shackles, the elite’s benefit, but we are the ones on the ground, day by day laying the bricks of deliberate ignorance that create the prison that we are all living in. If you want to change the world then truth is the key. Engage with truth and things have to change. Avoid truth and endless slavery and human suffering is inevitable. That’s how the moral laws of the universe work, like it or not, we get what we deserve. Ha, epic rant over. Sorry about that. Lessons will be learnt.  It wasn't my fault. I blame the coffee :)

Click link for more details on truth, expressed with far more erudition and eloquence than I could ever hope to muster: (All photographs in my barely articulate rant are taking from this far superior article)

Summary (of linked article, by Kris Nelson):

‘Do you want to placate, walk on eggshells, keep-the-peace, don’t make waves, don’t get hassled, don’t rock the boat, sugar coat and lie to someone to continue to make them feel comfortable and “good” about themselves (and maintain your relationship, attachment, “loyalty”, etc.) so they don’t have to change, do any work and face themselves and what they do? Or do you want to speak the truth that may hurt or be uncomfortable due to their choice to deny Truth and align with lies, deceptions, illusions and bullshit? Do you want to help them face themselves to improve their lives and the lives of everyone else? If you didn’t care about someone, would you bother to try to help them by having them face the things they don’t want to face? Of course not, you would just let them wallow in ignorance, and not care. Once you understand the importance of Truth, letting people ignore the shadow aspects of themselves that are causing harm to other beings in what they do in daily life, is not Care/”love” for them or others. That is enabling them to perpetuate bullshit, lies, deceptions and illusions as manifestation of action and behaviour to continue the collective self-inflicted suffering, harm, wrong, immorality, etc. that we co-create.’


  1. Replies
    1. http://khalilaliytheenlightenmentbomb.wordpress.com

      The truth hurts the corrupted and weak


    2. I think so. The worst kind of people of course are those who believe there is no such thing as truth. I see truth as having an independent moral basis. That's what I was trying to express here, the idea that truth exists, and that it's something that scares a lot of people due to the responsibility that it holds on the individual when they are aware of it. People wants excuses, not responsibility, hence a hatred of truth. Thanks for the link to your website. I read what you had to say about truth being a reciprocal process, and yes, absolutely you are right. Truth is not individual, truth is shared. The problem with writing on a blog is that you are often discussing things just with yourself, so I really do appreciate you commenting here. I have subscribed to your blog as I appreciate what you are doing there and I very much look forward to dipping in and out of the wisdom and information that you are sharing there. Thanks mate.

  2. Yes! Great post, Mark! Thank you for codifying thoughts I've had for awhile now.

    I've always said that the reason most people are not awake to the goings on of the world isn't because they're stupid.

    No. People aren't awake because they simply do not want to be.

    It is not an issue of intelligence - it's a spiritual matter.

    Being awake and walking a path of truth is very hard. It involves responsibility, humility, internal work, courage, patience, and can sometimes be very lonely. It means deciphering life on your own terms apart from any sort of collective - no religious group, government agency, corporation, club, or social circle to fall back on for reinforcement. No one telling you what to think or what to value or how to act.

    I've long suspected that the rise of society's external institutions - the governments, churchs, and corporations of the world - are merely a reflection of the Jungian collective consciousness of our species. Has man's disinclination to face his own inner fractured psyche ultimately led to our spiritual disharmony and disassociation from truth?

    Collectively speaking, man is not in his spiritual center, nor has he ever been in recorded history, although it seems to me there have been periods of fluctuation. There appears to be an inverted relationship between the institutions of the external world and man's internal search for spiritual truth. As the human race collectively veers further from its spiritual center, the psychological and physical tyranny from the external institutions will rise, and the institutions grow.

    Likewise, in periods of enlightenment, liberty, freedom, and self-governance -- tyranny from the external institutions recedes.

    But on the individual level, truth is an intimate personal journey. I don't think any two people will find it the exact same way.

    I hope that made sense and didn't sound too much like philosophical wankery.

    1. 'There appears to be an inverted relationship between the institutions of the external world and man's internal search for spiritual truth.' Absolutely spot on mate. It's a strange realisation to come to, but intelligence and truth seeking do not go hand in hand. You'd think they would, but some of the smartest people in the world have no interest whatsoever in truth. They are given the left and right hand paths as their only options, they pick one, and the central path of truth is ignored. People always say they want truth, but what happens when you offer it to them? Going by my own experience they get pissed off with you, and rather than engaging in proper debate they go into personal attack mode. They justify evil, insult you, try to isolate you like you are still the outsider at school and then continue to ignore anything that contradicts the life lies that they have chosen to live with. As you say above, they are fractured, and they look to collectivisation (as offered by the control systems) to make them feel that they are not in the spiritual void that they have been herded into by their educational/mainstream media indoctrination/socialisation process. All of those twits heading off to Tibet for spiritual enlightenment find exactly what they deserve to find, a self-delusion caused by their refusual to start along the path of truth, so they sit cross legged, trying to meditate, trying to find something, but how can they find something when it was with them all along, yet they have spent a life erecting barriers around themselves to protect themselves from it?
