Wednesday 14 September 2016

Music review: Witch’s Oath (EP) by Mindkult: A Lament to Socialist Ideology

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Evil sells itself as collective strength over individual weakness, of belonging to something that is greater than little you and little me. It is a lie, and no, I am not talking religion here. I am talking its modern, western replacement. I am talking about liberal collectivism as sold to the masses by the political establishment that is the left. I am talking about politicians and I am talking about western civilisation in 2016. I am talking about the ideological consensus that permeates our media, academia and body politic. I am talking about the weakness of the left and how it is destroying everything that has been built up through centuries of struggle. I am talking about that box in the corner of my room that lies to me. I am talking about the people who appear on it. I am talking about the salesmen who still cling to the ideology of old as their entire building collapses around them.

I have always sensed a strong undercurrent of vulnerability and weakness in the salesman of the left. Today the desperation is plain for all to see, a pleading softness, prostrating itself for an ideologically cursed master of collective deception. The left is the establishment and the establishment is beginning to Brexit collapse.

In Witch’s Oath by Mindkult I hear the soft cult hive mind of the left. The seductive power is in the rhythmic guitar blasts of false hope, with quantitative easing falsity that promises rejuvenation, but sludges to a crawl as the decay of leftist reality and bread line communist queues kicks in. Death hangs in the air like an omnipresent cloud, taking the followers one by one, yet when they look to the sky of reality the QE guitar kicks in again and a false rush of adrenaline distraction compels their heads downwards, back to the sludge, cult of personality collectivism.

The unhappy lamenting despair pleading coming from the voice of the singer is uniquely defeated. He is socialist ideology, the sad-eyed, crazy weak and ultimately compromised Bernie Sanders, the self-defeating power hungry Jeremy Corbyn or one of the numerous EU leftist politicians calling for open border policies as Islamic massacres happen on their very doorsteps. Lyrically the voice calls for obedience to the ideological promises of old, yet the delivery is cut through with a melancholic and diseased slow paced, whispered sadness. There is an awful sense of defeat in the voice, a sense that the game is up, that nobody wants what he is selling. Life is coming to an end in a tired, sick, Hillary Clinton style collapse where the lies of the past build up into a tidal wave of karmic retribution that will destroy us all.

I hear the modern left in all four songs of beautiful collapse that are offered here. There is a melancholic beauty in seeing everything fall apart. You set up your deckchair amidst the ruins of western civilisation and sing a sad lament. You sing to the ideological purity of Karl Marx, pleading to his departed adherents to return to the fold where we are just another revolution away from creating the perfect socialist paradise. You sing in hope, but the sound turns into a mournful truth of resignation as you realise deep inside yourself that a socialist paradise can and never will exist and that you have been sold a lie from the very beginning.

Rating: 10/10 (Loud it up)